pay the ultimate price 意味

発音を聞く:   pay the ultimate priceの例文
  • 究極{きゅうきょく}の犠牲{ぎせい}を払う、命を落とす


  1. hey want him to pay the ultimate price .
    彼らは天皇に究極の 代償を払わせたいのだ
  2. prepare to pay the ultimate price .
  3. i will make it my personal mission to see that you pay the ultimate price for your crimes .
  4. your socalled webisodes desecrate the memory of 'nebula9' and you should pay the ultimate price .
    ネット版は ネブラ9を汚すものだ


        pay a price:    値打ち分{ねうちぶん}だけを支払う、代価を払う、代償を払う、犠牲を払う、報いを受ける、つけが回る、おとしまえをつける He is paying the price for a spending spree. 彼は豪勢な散財の報いを受けている。
        price to pay:    支払うべき代償{だいしょう}[代価{だいか}]
        have to pay the price at the end:    最後{さいご}には罪を償わなければ[代償{だいしょう}を払わなければ?報いを受けなければ]ならない
        pay a fat price:    報酬{ほうしゅう}をはずむ
        pay a heavy price:    高い値段{ねだん}を支払う{しはらう}
        pay a high political price:    高い政治的{せいじてき}な代償{だいしょう}を払う
        pay a high price for:    ~に大金{たいきん}を払う、~に大きな代償{だいしょう}を払う
        pay a sizable price:    相当{そうとう}な値段{ねだん}を支払う{しはらう}
        pay a social price:    社会的{しゃかいてき}な犠牲{ぎせい}を払う
        pay a very high price:    非常{ひじょう}に高い代価{だいか}を支払う{しはらう}
        pay an outrageous price for:    ~に法外{ほうがい}な[途方{とほう}もない]値段{ねだん}を払う
        pay any price:    いかなる代償{だいしょう}をも払う
        pay double the price:    倍額支払う
        pay full price:    全額{ぜんがく}を支払う{しはらう}
        pay no small price for:    ~に少なからぬ犠牲{ぎせい}を払う


  1. "pay the shot" 意味
  2. "pay the steep tuition bills" 意味
  3. "pay the tab" 意味
  4. "pay the tally" 意味
  5. "pay the tax to the government" 意味
  6. "pay the whole amount of" 意味
  7. "pay the worker monetary compensation in exchange for the unused portion of his or her annual paid vacation entitlement" 意味
  8. "pay thousands of dollars for long-term care insurance" 意味
  9. "pay through a bank transfer" 意味
  10. "pay the tally" 意味
  11. "pay the tax to the government" 意味
  12. "pay the whole amount of" 意味
  13. "pay the worker monetary compensation in exchange for the unused portion of his or her annual paid vacation entitlement" 意味

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